Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Games & Rituals

Today I started with a short yoga session and then a meditation.

Today classes were art based, group art and that was kind of a goofy thing, in groups of five we were given ideas to focus on and draw &| color on a circular piece of paper, so starting in the middle we started, then we passed our paper to the left and were given other images as concepts which were drawn on the next layer, this went on for five themes. Then we share (discussions in the small group or the larger group), there's always lots of sharing here at Findhorn, get use to hearing me talk about it when I get back home;) Then we danced and sang.

In the later part of the afternoon we moved outside to dug out circle with a fire in the middle, the Fire Circle of Truth. This ritual would have been taken from a North American Indian tradition. We sat around the fire with four stations in the inner circle that represented the Fears, Anger, Sadness, Emptyness that we feel in our lives or by external forces or events. Individually we could get up and talk to the group about any or all of these feelings and what particular thing was at the root of our feelings.

Tonight's session tried to sooth some of the rawness left from this afternoons Fire Circle.

I did get my laundry done as well and a hot tub in before bedtime as well.

1 comment:

Lil' Brother said...

... and then we danced and sang!

It sounds like an awesome experience, a little different but awesome! Can't wait for your next post and when you get home to "share" a little bit of what you learned.

Thanks lil brother!